Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Project Proposal


We will shot a documantery short movie about toilet writings in our country. This is a common attitude to write about anything on somewhere in toilets. Sometimes people confess something sometimes they blame somebody sometimes share their happiness or sadness or even they can declare their love by the help of toilets. shortly the confidential structure of toilets make people write about what they can not mention in usual life. They can be teacher worker doctor or somebody else. The point is all people have something to say to world. Some may do it by cinema some by music some by toilet writings. Even they write their thoughts on toilet doors, most of the time people choose the artistic language.

What we will do is looking around the toilets talking with assigned people in toliets and people in street. and we will search the reason of that toliet writings.We will do these project together ( Firat and Nezir) Firat will use the camera and will edit the short movie.In this project Nezir will prepare the music and will interview with people.And we will together try to find the toilet writngs and compare and contrast that writings. we will both try to find some images and videos about that toliet writings and compare them.

1 comment:

Aysedune said...

I think we will enjoy very much while we watch the movie,cuz' those writings are very funny.
You can use the english series "Coupling" too, they have many jokes about bathrooms and toilets. You may find something useful there.It's gonna be fun ı think:)