Monday, October 02, 2006


The assignment consists of a paper and/or a media-based project. Projects done for this class will be determined entirely by each student, and will grow out of a process of research and exploration guided by the instructor. Because conceptual art is based on the concept that art may exist solely as an idea, this process of research and its documentation may in fact become more important than the final result of the project. By being involved all the way through this process the instructor will be able to grade the project all the way through its development.

Everyone in this class will write a paper that discusses one of the readings in relation to one or more of the artists covered in this course. Students who choose to do only the paper are required to write a minimum of eight pages that investigates the chosen topic in detail. Students who choose to create a media-based project will write a shorter version of the paper one to two pages in length.

The media-based project needs to be approved by the instructor, and should use media that the student has previous knowledge about and access to all necessary equipment.

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